Diana Instant Square is a new Diana Camera, based on the Diana F+, but
completely re-designed around the Instax Square film. It's an Instax
only camera, no adaption to roll film possible. It has automatic
motorized ejection, there is a switch for multiple exposure. The rest
is basic Diana feeling.
Its main features are:
75mm simple plastic menikus lens, F11, F19, F32, 3-zone focus 1-2m, 2-4m, 4m-
∞. Pinhole setting F150 Shutter 1/100, B Size 130x155x105 including finder, Weight 440 gr. with film and batteries Motorized
ejection, for Fuji Instax Square Film, takes 4 AAA batteries, hook to
block shutter in B position, flash accessories, graphic frame
The box.
in the box. Camera, finder, strap, a hook to block the shutter lever in
B mode, instructions, a Lomo book and 2 flash adapters, one for the
Diana flashes, one with a hot shoe.
Diana glass lens, promoted with the camera. On the instruction booklet:
graphic frame to be installed in the film chamber prior to film
loading. If you paint on it or put stickers, these will be projected on
the photos.
front. The lens has a 30mm filter thread. Selfie mirror in the frame of the old viewfinder. Instax square viewfinder on top.
back. Film presence window near the top, film counter window with green
lamp for camera on and batteries o.k., flashes when battery low.
On/off switch with multiple exposure setting as well..
Tripod socket and battery compartment, takes 4 AAA batteries. On the
lens barrel: 4 aperture settings, cloudy (f 11), sunny to cloudy (F
18), sunny (F 32) and pinhole (F 150)
top. Ejection slot. Flash socket, new style. Adapters for ordinary
flashes are included. On the lens barrel: N (normal shutter, 1/100s)
and B setting. To the right: shutter lever.
Camera with the 75mm glass lens, the mount is compatible with all Diana lenses.
Diana lenses. First row from left: Close-up lens (for 55mm), 55mm,
38mm, 20mm fisheye, second row: 110mm soft tele and original 75mm, on
the camera: 75mm glass lens.
Camera with adapter and Diana flash.
Camera with hot shoe adapter and ordinary flash.
Some pictures taken with the camera, all ordinary shutter setting (N):
Street on a late november day, "cloudy" setting. 75mm plastic lens. A bit overexposed
Street on a late november day, "cloudy" setting. 75mm glass lens. A bit overexposed. Better sharpness in my opinion.
Same photo, "sunny to cloudy" setting.
Veranda, 2m, F11, "cloudy". Quite some vignetting.
Veranda, 3m, F11, "cloudy". Quite some vignetting.
Street, 20mm fisheye, "sunny to cloudy" setting (F19), full fisheye effect, good sharpness.
Street, 38mm super wide, F19, good sharpness, better than on an ordinary Diana, some vignetting.
Street, 55mm wide, F19, good sharpness, better than on an ordinary Diana. Street, 75mm standard (glass), F19, good sharpness. Street, 110mm soft telelens, F19, soft, as indicated, but much better than on ordinary Dianas, vignetting.
Christmas decoration, 55mm and close-up lens, ca. 15 cm distance, F11.
Interior, Diana flash, F32, 3m, some vignetting.
Interior, External flash, F32, 3m, vignetting.
Veranda, F32, 3m, external flash, vignetting. A wider flash would be better.
camera gives good results for a camera with cheap plastic lenses.
There is nearly no vignetting at infinity focus and smaller apertures.
The closer you focus the more vignetting you get. The Instax film
allows photos on dull
days with normal shutter speed. No problem on sunny days as there are
more F-stops.
The shutter release works without the camera
switched on. If you forgot to switch the camera on and have the shutter
already released, no problem. Switch the camera on, cover lens and release
again, the photo ejects. Be cautious if you put the camera on a flat
surface, e.g. for putting a flash. The aperture lever sticks out and
may be moved to another setting inadvertently.
gereral words about Lomography and their service: There is a 2-year
warranty, at least in Europe. My personal experience with their service
is good so far. As most of their cameras are made of (cheap) plastic,
there is no repair, they just exchange your defective camera. You have
to send it in to their Vienna firm at your expenses, which is not cheap
if you are not based in Austria, but they try to compensate by adding
film or so to the return. You absolutely need a proof of purchase,
there was heavy abuse by fraudulent customers they told me. So if you
buy second hand or your camera is gift, be sure to put your hands on
the proof of purchase. After the 2-years warranty period it's over.
They will try to help for the expensive not-so-plastic cameras like the
LC series, but for the rest there is no repair. Keep this in mind for
the prices you pay for older gear.
The camera is easy to use. Pictures are fine. A nice new Diana camera.. Instant fun.