is toy or fake video cam with a 35mm photo camera inside. I did not
find any information on the net, so if you have some, please share it
with me. I remember having seen it in the 90s as a prize in doubious
the outside this camera looks like a 90s electronic video cam. It has
even a mock folding screen device, which contains a second viewer. To
know a bit more, I have taken it apart (and reassembled it). Inside is
a basic motorized fixed focus camera. It can detect the ISO coding of
the film canister, the presence of film (it winds the film
automatically to the first photo), it winds the film to the next photo
after each photo taken and it can detect whether flash in necessary or
not. Whether it has different shutter speeds or different apertures, I
do not know for certain, but pictures taken with it let it presume. In any case, there are no long shutter speeds.
back. Viewer and film window. The viewer is square and very approximate. A LED in the viewer lights if flash will be fired.
Right side. There is a tiny mecanical film counter under the "screen" device.
Left side. On/Off switch, shutter release, mid roll rewind. Grip.
Camera top.
Second viewer. It shows the wrong format. It's landscape, whereas the camera is portrait format. Camera bottom. Tripod socket and film compartment unlatch.
Film compartment.
The cam taken apart. A hand soldered circuit, quite some wires and lots of glue.
other side. 2nd circuit for On/Off switch and a big lead block around
the battery compartment to make the plastic camera feel more solid.
is a basic point-and-shoot camera, focus free. The flash fires when
needed, but cannot be switched off. Framing is difficult because of the
sqare viewer (and the wrong 2nd viewer), it goes haywire for short
distances, as the viewer is quite far away from the lens. The extra
glass in front of the lens is prone to reflections. Picture quality is
mixed, in any case better than expected. I suspect that the lens
stays wide open, but there are various shutter speeds. It gets exposure
right from dusk (even with the flash fireing) to bright sunshine. From
short distance (less than 50cm) to about 2,5 meters pictures are fine.
However mine does not focus to infinity. Pictures are blurry in greater
distance, be it subdued light or bright sunshine. The center is sharper
than the edges which are slightly shaded as well.
It was obviously made as a
fake video cam which can take quite usable portrait photos.